Sutra 2.32
“The second of the eight steps of Yoga are the principles of self restraint. The first of these is Saucha: Purity of body and 4 functions of the mind.”

The above Sutra, from the Yoga text, The Sutra’s of Patanjali, outlines the importance of purification of both our internal world (mind & body) as well as the external world we choose to surround ourselves with.

When we clean up any aspect of our lives, it has a ripple effect into so many other areas of our lives. Essentially, how you do one thing is how you do everything.

What would happen if you brought more presence & mindfulness to all aspects of your life? How much could your life transform?

When we cultivate this level of mindfulness, we look at our life with a purer state of mind, sometimes known as the Buddhi mind. We start to consider our thoughts, words & actions & align them with our ethics & values.

Peeling back the layers towards our true nature; where anything that isn’t who we really are begins to fall away. This is the process of purification. (Or in Yoga it’s called ‘Saucha’).

This concept can be applied to all aspects of our lives. It can be related to keeping a clean & tidy living environment, but also a clean & tidy internal world. Purification can also be reflected by the people we choose to have in our lives & also in how we treat those around us via our thoughts, words and actions.

Someone who is a master of this concept is Marie Kondo. After listening to some of her audiobook, I’ve started to tidy up my environment & belongings to only have what I need, or as she would say, items which ‘spark joy’ & consciously choosing to get rid of the rest & it’s been super enjoyable process! She highlights the importance of bringing gratitude & mindfulness to this process. Saying thank-you & letting go with love – what a beautiful way to let go!

When we let go of things we don’t need or have been unconsciously holding onto it creates space for new opportunities, new beginnings & new energy. You instantly feel lighter & when we clean up or declutter all aspects of our lives in this way both Internally & externally. Things become clearer. We are no longer jaded by all the “stuff”, we can actually see what’s going on beneath the surface. We can then get to the root cause of our suffering.

For example, have you ever noticed when you have something super important to do or focus on, you start tidying or procrastinating by cleaning up other spaces of your life, thinking about petty problems, or organising physical spaces? This is because we are avoiding what’s really going on & using the other things as a distraction. Once we clean up our lives properly, with self awareness & discipline, mindfully every day, we no longer have distractions – we are able to do the work we are here to do.

Watch your words, your thoughts, your actions & your physical spaces, the more you begin to weed these areas. The more your life around you will transform & you’ll align with who you truly are.
