Private Yoga classes

About Private Yoga Classes:

Individual Yoga classes for your needs:

 Did you know Jade Rose Yoga’s highly qualified Teacher Manisha, also teaches 1 on 1 Private Yoga classes to suit your individual needs? Learn all about the benefits of Private Yoga classes below.

Private Classes are a great way to dive deeper into your Yoga practice. They’re great if you are new to Yoga, have an injury or simply want more time to explore the practice while learning more about it. In each private class, you will receive an individualised class tailored to your needs. These classes are carefully designed by Manisha based on your needs and the therapeutic benefits of the asana + pranayama. She combines her knowledge of Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga as well as different forms of movement, philosophy & meditation to ensure you’re gaining the greatest benefits both on and off the mat. Manisha is also a qualified Pilates Teacher and a Personal Trainer having also acquired her Certificate III & IV in Fitness.

Mobile Yoga instructor:

In these classes, your teacher Manisha, will travel to your home, office or requested space on the day that suits you best. Arriving at your requested time, Manisha takes pride in creating a sacred & personal yoga space wherever she goes with music, mats (if required) props and essential oils.

In these classes, you can feel safe and relaxed in the comfort of your own home. Your Teacher Manisha, will lead you through a sequence of poses, breathwork practises and meditation techniques which would be most beneficial for your body type and stress levels. She also offers gentle adjustments that deepen you into the practice even more so. You will feel your body becoming both stronger and more flexible whilst your mind finds time for quiet reflection and tranquillity.

Benefits of Private Yoga:

This is a more holistic approach to your practice in comparison to a group class setting, the benefit of a private class is it can be carefully adapted just for you and you can also ask as many (or as little) questions throughout the class as you wish. Manisha customises your class to meet you wherever you are at; physically, emotionally and energetically. She loves that Yoga is so adaptable and enjoys refining the classes to suit your goals and needs. She is so excited to meet you and assist you along your path with Yoga!

She holds Private classes from her treehouse home in Lota, or can she can otherwise come to you in your space of choice!


To find a time that suits you, contact her on:
0467081 144 or email her at:


1 hour: $50 per person

1.5 hour: $70 per person

Our classes include:

A 60 – 120 minute Yoga practise that focuses on postures, breathwork & meditation suitable for your state of mind and physical needs with the use of essential oils and personalised adjustments.

Valid for 1 to 6 people. If numbers are greater please contact us.

Equipment is available, please advise if you require mats or any extra props.

Mobile Yoga Instructor: travelling within 10km of Brisbane CBD*


What We Offer

Class Styles & Offerings

Group Vinyasa Classes: General level class, all levels welcomed: This is the main style we offer and teach at Jade Rose Yoga, it incorporates traditional elements of Ashtanga Yoga, such as Sun Salutations, Standing series & twists. Flowing gracefully from one pose to the next. In this practise, we move in synch to the rhythm of our own breathe. (60minutes)

Dynamic Power Flow: Catered to suit the advanced practitioner or those who have strength and fitness goals. This class is designed to challenge you, moving at a faster pace utilising challenging & strong postures.(60minutes)

Yin: Deep fascial release, Flexibility focused class with longer holds, we hold the postures from 3-5 minutes, considered an advanced practise – cultivating meditation & mindfulness practises to focus and harness the mind. (60-90minutes)

Beginners Yoga: For those new to Yoga! Gentle slow flow with more explanation and encouragement. (60minutes)

Slow Flow:  A more gentle & slower practise, with more of a focus on alignment and cueing Great for those recovering from injury or beginners or those who just want to take it slow! (60minutes)

Prenatal Yoga & Pilates: A gentle practise helping you to stay healthy and strong before bringing your new bub into the world! Meet other New mums going through the same journey! (30-60minutes)

Pilates:  tone, tighten and strengthen your body with our full body pilates workouts.  These classes are dynamic, and a fullbody workout can be designed for all levels! (30-60minutes)

Mums & Bubs: Bring your little one to class, get social and meet other likeminded new mummas. (60 minutes)

Events: We offer Yoga for your private events. Have a chat with us and we will cater the class style to suit your individual needs & goals. (I.e: Healthy Hens parties, Birthday parties, Healthy events). (1-2hours)

Private Yoga: Private or small group sessions, in the privacy of your own home. 30mins – 2 hour sessions. Jade Rose Yoga will come to you! (30mins- 2hours)

Corporate Yoga: Ever wanted to be able to go to Yoga on your lunch break, or before or after work without the hassle? No problems, Jade Rose Yoga will come to you, we provide the mats and any extra equipment you need. (30mins – 2hours)

Women’s Circles: Women coming together in a safe, open, nurturing space, to talk support and get to know one another. These sessions usually incorporate a short 30 minute yoga class or 20 minute meditation using essential oils. With some healthy treats. (1-2hours)

Full Moon Yoga: Practise Yoga under the powerful energy of the full moon, by the waterfront at Lota, We will create an intention together at the beginning of the class, then practise a Vinyasa style flow overlooking the bay. (60 minutes)

Retiree’s & Older Adults: We offer gentle and relaxing Yoga flows and chair yoga to suit the groups needs. (30 – 60minutes)


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